- November 06, 2021: 06-10 pm

Reading, Performance, Screening
06 November 2021
06 – 10 pm
A Tour of Berlin from the Heart of Desire
Reading ELISA R. LINN:
“da ich nichts weiter tue als mich in mir umzutun” – An essay on the rebellious aesthetics of material of punks and their song lyrics in the GDR (in German)
Lecture Performance ERIN HONEYCUTT:
“Ticket of No Return. The Novelette.” – An ekphrastic impulse, the novelization of films is often reserved for Hollywood blockbusters, ghostwritten and not considered literature in its own right. This novelette by Erin Honeycutt based on the Ulrike Ottinger film, ‘Bildnis Einer Trinkerin’ (1979), “a booze-induced absurdist high,” is the author’s own reflection on women and the cliches of the literary drunkard.
This reflection is mirrored by the symbolism found in the film: she reads Der Spiegel, spits water at her image in the mirror, and is continuously seeing the effect of water’s distortion on her self-image, as though her self-indulgent behavior is to prove that she exists.
It is also a tour of Berlin from the heart of desire, a desire for self-discovery to the exclusion of all else. An alcoholic memoir about facing the void while wearing your most punk-glam outfit.
Moment Supreme – Aperitif-Intermezzo
7:30 pm
Screening with Introduction by CHRISTIANE KETTELER:
“Madame X” & “An Absolute Ruler” by ULRIKE OTTINGER
Germany 1977, 16mm, Color, 141min
– On the women’s ship Orlando the flags of attack, leather, weapons, lesbian love and death are raised with a beauty which dispenses with a total domination of the viewer’s gaze.
The aesthetic is strictly stylized, exhibiting itself without overwhelming us.
– More Infos about the film